Join PROJECT MOVE-OUT: free bulk waste recycling initiative for Rutgers students living in New Brunswick
Rutgers University and the City of New Brunswick are partnering in Project Move Out to recover discarded furniture, appliances and textiles in order to keep these items out of landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.
Project Move Out provides for FREE curbside pick-up of bulk items ONLY for Rutgers students who pre-register between April 20 - May 19 (noon). The collection will take place between May 21-May 23. You will be assigned a day based upon your address. Please note that if your apartment complex has regular garbage pick-up through a private hauler, the pick-up option is not available to you.
Items eligible for pickup include:
- Appliances (microwaves, toaster ovens, vacuums)
- Electronics (televisions, video game consoles, cell phones, computers, monitors, printers)
- Furniture (mattresses, couches, chairs, tables, book cases, desks, rugs) Please note that any mattresses & box springs left at the curb for collection MUST be wrapped in plastic
- No bags of household garbage will be collected with Project Move Out. Trash bags must be placed out for city trash collection during your regular trash pick-up.
Registration is now closed. If you have not already registered please see below for alternative options.
Benefits of participating in Project Move Out
- Collected items will be recycled.
- Individuals (landlords and tenants) will avoid municipal fines ($500-$2,000) for violations of the New Brunswick trash ordinance.
Project Move-Out Collection Schedule
Please note, items can be placed at the curb no earlier than 5pm the day prior to scheduled pick-up. They MUST be placed at curb no later than 6am the day of scheduled pick-up. Any items placed after the trucks have passed through your street will not be picked up as part of Project Move-Out and you risk being fined.
Street Name | Pickup Date |
Alexander Street | Friday, May 23 |
Baldwin Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Ball Street | Friday, May 23 |
Bartlett Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Betheny Street | Friday, May 23 |
Bishop Place | Wednesday, May 21 |
Bishop Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Brookside Avenue | Friday, May 23 |
Bridge Street | Friday, May 23 |
Bristol Street | Friday, May 23 |
Bucculeuch Place | Friday, May 23 |
Central Avenue | Friday, May 23 |
Coggswell Street | Friday, May 23 |
College Avenue | Wednesday, May 21 |
Paul Robeson Blvd (between Sandford St and George St only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Comstock Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Condict Street | Friday, May 23 |
Courtland Street | Friday, May 23 |
Delafield Street | Friday, May 23 |
Delavan Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Division Street | Friday, May 23 |
Dix Street | Friday, May 23 |
Duke Street | Friday, May 23 |
Easton Avenue | Friday, May 23 |
Florence Street | Friday, May 23 |
Freeman Street | Friday, May 23 |
George Street (between Nichol Ave and Paul Robeson Blvd only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Guilden Street | Friday, May 23 |
Hale Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Hamilton Street | Friday, May 23 |
Handy Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Hardenberg Street | Friday, May 23 |
Hartwell Street | Friday, May 23 |
Harvey Street | Friday, May 23 |
High Street | Friday, May 23 |
Huntington Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
James Street | Friday, May 23 |
Jefferson Avenue | Friday, May 23 |
Jones Avenue (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Lafayette Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Laurel Place | Friday, May 23 |
Lincoln Place | Friday, May 23 |
Lorain Street | Friday, May 23 |
Louis Street | Friday, May 23 |
Maple Street | Friday, May 23 |
Mine Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Morrell Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
New York Avenue | Friday, May 23 |
Nichol Avenue (between Sandford St and George St only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Oak Street | Friday, May 23 |
Oxford Street | Friday, May 23 |
Park Blvd. | Friday, May 23 |
Plum Street | Friday, May 23 |
Prospect Street | Friday, May 23 |
Prosper Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Ray Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Redmond Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Richardson Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Robinson Street | Friday, May 23 |
Sanford Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Seaman Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Seminary Place | Wednesday, May 21 |
Senior Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Sicard Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Somerset Street | Friday, May 23 |
Stone Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Suydam Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Townsend Street (between Paul Robeson Blvd and Nichol Ave only) | Wednesday, May 21 |
Union Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Wirt Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Woodbridge Street | Friday, May 23 |
Wycoff Street | Wednesday, May 21 |
Alternate Bulk Waste Disposal Options
Drop Off Locations
A Project Move Out collection area on campus is also available for students (with a Rutgers ID) to drop off their bulk waste items May 19th- May 23rd between 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
No registration necessary for drop off, Rutgers ID required.
- Location: Behind the College Ave Gym, Lot 30.
***On Wednesday, May 22 there will be a drop off location run by the City of New Brunswick on the grass triangle at the intersection of Central Ave and Bristol Street. They will be there from 8am until 2pm (may finish earlier if the dumpsters are filled). This is a one day only drop off location. You will need to show your Rutgers ID to drop off your bulk items.***
Students living in New Brunswick with a valid form of identification to show that they live in the city can also drop off items with the New Brunswick Department of Public Works (DPW) at 400 Jersey Avenue on Wednesday, May 15th from 10a.m. - 2p.m., Wednesday, May 29th from 10a.m. - 2p.m., Wednesday, June 5th from 10a.m. - 2p.m. and Wednesday, June 12th from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Additionally, you can make use of New Brunswick's E-Waste Drop Off program. On the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8am-12pm, you can drop off TV's, laptops and desk top computers to the Department of Public Works Building, located at 400 Jersey Avenue. Click here for more information. Of note, there will be an e-waste drop-off Saturday May 11 and June 8, 2024.
Additional Bulk Pick Up Options
Students are also able to schedule bulk pick up from the city according to their trash zone starting the first week in May until the second week of June. NEW for 2024 schedule your bulk online! To schedule a bulk pickup, go directly to:
Alternatively, you can call the Department of Public Works at 732-745-5015 to schedule an appointment.
Students need to book or call for an appointment by noon the day before pick up.
Students in Trash Zone 1 (regular trash collection Mondays/Thursdays) can schedule a bulk pick up for a Monday or a Thursday and Trash Zone 2 (regular trash collection Tuesdays/Fridays) can schedule a bulk pick up for a Tuesday or a Friday.
Items should be placed on the curb after 5pm the night before the scheduled pick up. Students who schedule bulk pick up directly through the city can only leave up to 6 bulk items on the curb per apartment unit. You will be fined if you leave additional items. When booking bulk appointment with city, please confirm how many bulk items you are allowed to place curbside. For more information visit or
Residents in other communities should check with their local Department of Public Works for bulk trash removal information.
Materials which will not be collected by Project Move Out include:
- any items that contain Freon, ie. air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers
- vegetative waste
- construction materials
- regular household garbage
- hazardous waste
- flammable/explosive waste
- mandatory recyclable materials
For More Information
Off-Campus Living & Community Initiatives
(848) 932-5500