Sometimes utilities are included in your monthly rent, but if they are not, they can be an added expense that you should factor into your budget. When looking at places to rent, ask the landlord for estimate costs, of utilities and be sure to understand which utilities you are responsible for paying and which ones, if any, are included in the rent cost.
If you do need to set up utilities for your off-campus residence, here are some of the common utilities for the area.
Gas and Electric
To get gas and electric service in the New Brunswick area, call Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) at 800-436-PSEG. Find more information about setting up service here:
Telephone Service
To establish telephone service, call Verizon at 1-800-427-9977.
Cable Service
To establish cable service, contact any of the following:
Cablevision of Raritan Valley at 732-548-2400
Xfinity/Comcast East Brunswick 1-800-934-6489
DirectTV 1-888-795-9488
Dish Network 1-800-823-4929
Verizon Fios- 877-602-2394 or visit