Image of food

Party Smart Guide

What is the Party Smart Guide?

The Party Smart Guide is designed to be your “toolkit” to equip you with information and facts to prepare you to act responsibly when partying and celebrating events that may be considered fun, and exciting moments in college that may involve alcohol use. The Party Smart guide contains information that will help to reduce personal harm and accidental injuries while encouraging smart choices and informed decision-making. The Party Smart guide provides Rutgers University students with resources, information and tips related to responsible drinking and safer consumption of alcoholic beverages. Download a digital copy of the Party Smart Guide here.

Code of Conduct & University Policies

Code of Conduct & University Policies

The University Code of Conduct applies to all university students living both on and off-campus. Examples of off-campus conduct violations that subject a student to formal disciplinary action include:

Student behavior that presents a danger or threat to the health or safety of others. Student behavior that includes violations of laws related to disorderly conduct, noise, trespassing, public urination, and littering.


There are new University sanctions for alcohol and drug offenses for students. For a full list of fines and sanctions visit

  • Student behavior that impacts property maintenance.


Know your Limits

Dangerous Drinking

What is Dangerous Drinking?

Drinking heavily over a short period of time (more than one standard drink per hour) Drinking in order to get drunk Regular heavy drinking Episodes of excessive drinking


There is no exact answer to determine how much you have to drink to reach the legal limit. This would be based on intoxication rate factors. For example an individual that is smaller in size for example 90-100 pounds and is drinking on an empty stomach, or/and on medication could possible reach a much higher BAC after one drink based on their weight and size but this is not the case for all.



Hospital Thing Lifeline Legislation is specific to alcohol and grants immunity to underage persons provided they call 9-1-1, provide their name, are the first person to report the incident, remain at the scene until medical assistance arrives and cooperate with first responders.

Blood Alcohol Level

Blood alcohol content, or BAC, is the concentration of alcohol in your bloodstream, expressed as a percentage. As the amount of alcohol in your blood increases, so does your level of impairment.


  • .02%  – Relaxed, reaction time slows down
  • .04%  – Relaxation continues, buzz develops and reaction time continues to decrease
  • .06%  – Cognitive judgment impaired, decreased ability to process information .
  • 08%  – Legally drunk, motor coordination decreased
  • .10%  – Clear breakdown in judgment and coordination, visibly sloppy
  • .15% – .25% – High risk of blackouts and injuries
  • .25% – .35% – May pass out, lose consciousness, and possible risk of death
  • .40% – .45% – Lethal dose for most individuals


A person does not need to exhibit all of these symptoms to have alcohol poisoning. If you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning, get help immediately! Someone’s life may be at risk!

What’s a Standard Drink?

Wine= 5 oz.
Beer= 12 oz.
Shot= 1.5 oz. (Hard Liquor)
Wine Cooler= 10 oz.

It is recommended that you have no more than one standard drink per hour. Dangerous drinking is considered four drinks for women and five drinks for men
during one occasion, regardless of how long the occasion lasts.

Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

 When too much alcohol floods the system, basic functions such as breathing, heart rate and temperature control is adversely impacted which can ultimately result in life-threatening alcohol poisoning.


Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning Include:

Irregular/slow breathing Pale/bluish skin tone Vomiting Cold/clammy skin Low body temperature Loss of consciousness


Think Before you Drink

Myths of Alcohol Consumption

Myth: Mixing soda with alcohol does not affect alcohol consumption

Fact: Mixing soda with alcohol does not increase the rate of intoxication

Myth: Drinking coffee and cold showers will sober you up

Fact: Only time will sober you up

Myth: Switching between dark and light liquors will make you more intoxicated
Fact: Alcohol is alcohol. If the percentage of alcohol is the same both liquors will cause intoxication at the same rate

Myth: Vomiting gets rid of the alcohol in the body
Fact: Alcohol is not processed like food. It bypasses the digestive system and exits the body through the liver


The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance

The Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance is committed to creating a community free from violence. They provide services designed to raise awareness and respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and other crimes. Through a combination of direct service, education, training, policy development, and consulting to the University and broader community, they serve as a critical voice in changing prevailing beliefs and attitudes about violence.


Alcohol & Sexual Assault: Facts and Figures

75% of all sexual assaults involve alcohol A person cannot consent to sex if displaying any signs of impairment 1 in 5 people abandon safer sex practices when impaired Alcohol & other drugs are often used by perpetrators to incapacitate victims and commit sexual assault



Have a Plan for Getting Home

Pick a designated driver Store numbers for local cabs in your phone Download a ride sharing service app


How You Can Reduce Your Risk

Make a plan before going out if you are going to drink and how much Know your limits Know that you can say “No” You can choose not to drink or to drink at a slow pace Stick with your friends



Have strangers or unknown guests Serve to anyone under 21 Have more guests than space or hang out in the driveway Allow drug use Disturb your neighbors Allow guests to drink in excess Let guests leave the party alone and/or with unknown guests Let guests leave with open containers Leave valuables out Charge a cover for entry or sell drinks Destroy or damage property Leave drinks unattended Ride with someone who has been drinking Carry a fake ID Allow guests to drive drunk Allow alcohol to be the focus Share drinks

  • Keep your keg inside
  • Keep guests inside
  • Clean up after the party
  • Avoid being drunk in public places
  • Avoid drinking games and drink matching
  • Pace yourself
  • Count your drinks
  • Alternate alcoholic drinks with water
  • Eat before and during the party
  • Carry a valid picture ID
  • Know applicable laws and consequences
  • Respect anyones decision not to drink

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug to facilitate sexual assault and perpetrators often target individuals who they believe they can convince to over consume alcohol. If you or someone you know is sexually assaulted, there are people available to talk with you any time (24/7) if you need assistance understanding your options or to talk. Contact VPVA at 848-932-1181 if you have any questions or concerns.


House Parties

House with grass


Only invite people that you know and make sure anyone consuming alcohol is at least 21 Have non-alcoholic drinks available Serve alcohol in moderation Provide food Be considerate of your neighbors!Tell them about the event and keep the noise to a reasonable level Make sure everyone can get home safely. This includes taking keys away from anyone who has had too much to drink, making sure no one leaves alone, having phone numbers for cabs readily available


Laws and Consequences

Social Host Liability Law & Underage Drinking

The Social Host Liability Law holds the host responsible not only for the injuries suffered by an intoxicated guest but also for injuries or death to third parties as a result of the actions of the intoxicated guest. Social host laws have particular relevance in the area of drinking and driving, with the host sharing the liability if an intoxicated guest is involved in an accident or death.


NJ Social Host Liability Law states that anyone who purposely or knowingly entices, encourages, offers, serves or makes available alcoholic beverages to a person under the legal age to drink alcohol is committing a criminal act.


Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor

If you leave your residence (rented or owned) in the care of someone else with the intent of having alcohol at the residence available to minors, the owner/leaser could be held responsible for and charged with furnishing alcohol to minors in the state of New Jersey.


What if the Cops Get Involved?

If a Police Officer Shows Up:

Answer the door and step outside to speak with the officer Communicate respectfully and be cooperative Ask questions for clarity regarding the reason for the visit Follow any instructions given by the officer such as turning down the music or shutting down the party Note the officer’s name and badge number



All DWI Arrests and Offenses Include the Following Penalties:

$100 Surcharge for the Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund $100 Motor Vehicle Commission Restoration Fee

$100 Violent Crimes Compensation Fund Fee

$100 Intoxicated Driver Program Fee

$100 State and Municipality Fee

$75 Safe and Secure Community Program Fee


Drinking and Driving

DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) in NJ:

21+ with a blood alcohol content of 0.08% Under 21 and a blood alcohol content of 0.01% (taking into account intoxication rate factors, this could possibly result from 1 standard drink) Operating a commercial vehicle with a .04% blood alcohol content

Consumption and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages: Parks & Playgrounds

It is unlawful to drink or possess an open or closed container or any alcoholic beverage in any township park or playground at any time unless issued a permit Imprisonment not exceeding fifteen (15) days or both a fine and imprisonment Fine $100 – $250 dollars



Don’t be a Nuisance!

Noise Ticket: $100 – $500 per violation for residents of Middlesex County


Open Container Laws:

The laws vary between towns In New Brunswick, the penalty is $100-$1000 fine and/or a 90-day jail term In Piscataway, the penalty is a fine and up to $100 and/or a jail term of up to 15 days


Traffic Stop: What to Do if the Police Stop your Vehicle:

Pull your vehicle over if instructed Place your car in park and roll down the driver’s window Remain seated Make your hands visible Provide your driver’s license,insurance card and registration card Do not argue with the officer regarding the reason for the stop Ask about the nature of the stop if it is unclear Note the officer’s name and badge number


Driving while Drunk in NJ

Driving While Drunk in NJ


First Offense: $250-$400 Second Offense: $500-$1000 Third Offense: $1000


** Plus $100 surcharge to Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund

** Plus referral to Intoxicated Driver Resource Center


In Addition to Legal Consequences, University Sanctions May Include:

Referral to a Health Outreach, Promotion and Education (HOPE) alcohol education workshop Referral to Counseling, Alcohol & Other Drug Assistance Program and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) Fines Ranging from $150 to $300 Sanctions Ranging from Reprimand to Expulsion

Car Insurance: 

First Offense: Surcharge of $1000 a year for 3 years Second Offense: Surcharge of $1000 a year for 3 years Third Offense: Surcharge of $1500 a year for 3 years

Ignition Interlock:

First Offense: 6 months-1 year Second Offense: 1-3 years Third Offense: 1-3 years

License Suspension:

First Offense: 7 months-1 year Second Offense: 2 years Third Offense: 10 years


Refusal to Submit to a Breath Test


First Offense: $300-$500 Second Offense: $500-$1000 Third Offense: $1000 1st Offense: $200 ticket 2nd Offense: $250 ticket and 10 hours of community service


Open Container of Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle:

A person cannot consume an alcoholic beverage while operating a motor vehicle The passenger in a motor vehicle shall not consume an alcoholic beverage while the motor vehicle is being operated Regardless of age you cannot consume or possess an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle


Implied Consent Law:

Failure to submit to a chemical test (blood, breath or urine) will result in a fine and an automatic license suspension

1st Offense: 7 month license revocation 2nd Offense: 2 year license revocation 3rd Offense: 10 year license revocation


Consequences for Underage Drinking and Driving in NJ:

$500 fine if you buy or consume alcohol in a place with an alcohol beverage license Possible loss of your driver’s license for 6 months. If you don’t have a license the suspension begins when you are first eligible to receive your license Participation in an alcohol education program Possible enrollment in a treatment program

** Plus 6 hours per day for 2 consecutive days at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center


Zero Tolerance Law:

Applies to individuals under 21 that drive with a detectable amount of alcohol in their system (0.1% BAC or above) penalties include: Loss or postponement of driving privileges for 30 to 90 days 15 to 30 days of community service Participation in an alcohol and tra c safety education program


First Offense: Up to 30 days Second Offense: 48 consecutive hours and up to 90 days Third Offense: Detainment in an inpatient alcoholism treatment program

Car Insurance: 

First Offense: Surcharge of $1000 a year for 3 years Second Offense: Surcharge of $1000 a year for 3 years Third Offense: Surcharge of $1500 a year for 3 years

Ignition Interlock:

First Offense: Possible Installation 6 months-1 year Second Offense: 1-3 years Third Offense: 1-3 years after license

License Suspension:

First Offense: 3 months Second Offense: 2 years Third Offense: 10 years


Helping Hand

Alternatives: Safe Rides

taxiBus Services

The Knight Mover Shuttle—732-932-7433 Rutgers Campus Buses


911Office of Student Legal Services 848-932-4LAW (4529)

Rutgers Emergency Services and Fire Safety 732-932-4800

Reporting Crimes & Emergencies From cellular phones DIAL– (732) 932-7111

Rutgers University Office of Student Conduct– 848-932-9414

Text to RUPD (24/7-Non-Emergencies)– Text RUNB message to 69050

Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance– 848-932-1181

Helpful Resources

Counseling, Alcohol, & Other Drug Assistance Program and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) — 848-932-7884

Emergency (Police, Fire or Medical Emergency)– Dial 9-1-1

Knight Mover Shuttle Services– 732-932-RIDE (7433)

Military OneSource (24/7 military personnel only)– 800-342-9647

Non-Emergency Rutgers University Police Department– 732-932-7211

Off-Campus Living and Community Partnerships– 848-932-5500

Taxi & Car Services

UBER Lyft All Brunswick Taxi—732-545-0900 Yellow Cab of New Brunswick—732-246-2222 Quicks Limo & Taxi Service New Brunswick—732-357-3668